My first

my last, my everything?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


i have started to look for quotes, nice quotes, about anything actually... I like quotes, coz they can say so much more than your own words.... And you can even hide behind quotes. Anyone have any good ones for me?



At 5:14 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

hehey, yeah, sure.. i understand.. maybe try searching for "sayings" or some on google :D hehe, likem me to.. allthough.. everyone seems to know the once that allready exists.. me and my friend from norway, used to make up our own.., just say it lound and proud, if other people doesnt quite take em.. just look silly at them... use ya fantasy,.. :D fun :D
Skaskje kaste blomster i trehus!

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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