My first

my last, my everything?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


They can be difficult to give, without sounding fake...
And it is just as difficult to recieve them, without trying to debate them, or saying that the person paying you the compliment is wrong. Everyone should try and remember when they get a compliment, write it down, and whenever you feel sad just think of the best compliment you've ever been given....
I got a wonderful compliment once, out of the blue.... I was with a friend, we were just talking about normal things like freinds normally do. And out of the blue he said, 'I like your sides, they are beautiful', nothing more, and we continued talking about normal things... I didn't say anything, but I thought about it. And I have decided that that must be one of the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Every time I feel too stressed with uniwork, or unmotivated I think of that. It makes me smile:)
So compliments are difficult things, but we should try to set a goal that each day we should say something nice about our friends, to our friends... That's a nice goal, but you have to say it to their face, coz that is more sincere.



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