My first

my last, my everything?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

good girl

I've been a good girl today, coz i got up, had a coffee turned on the radio (norwegian radio) and then started working. I really did. I had decided that I would spend about 5 hours on SolidWorks today, and I almost did. But I got somewhat stuck, so I sat down and drawed instead... So practically I have been working for 14 hours today. I'm proud. And abit lonely as well, coz I haven't talked to anyone today. (except in the library for 5 mins, and then I went straight back home to work) I was really determind to do work today, and I even think I can do this now, do it properly! It feels good. And I love it! Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes a bit longer.

And by the way, humans never give up hope.....that's what makes them human......

And just a question, why is it that I think much more when I'm in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil? I put so much more in to things there..... Maybe it's a kitchen mystery?


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