to do list
I am a profound fan of to-do lists.... I can spend all my time just writing them...However, I do not always enjoy doing the things that I have written down though....
But what if I tell ALL the people reading this blog about my to-do list.. the one I have now to the end of this semester? Wouldn't that make me have to do all the things I have said that I'd do? I think it will... So here it goes... this is my
TO-DO list:
*make an animation of my fuel-cell
*make a model of the kitchen`(we are getting there....)
*come up with a design for my project-module
*make a lay-out for my portofolio
*make a CAD-portofolio in either Powerpoint or another appropriate program
*write a report in CAD about what I want to do with my third year
*hand in my library-books(DONE 22nd of April)
*pay the fine from the library for handing my books in late...(DONE 22nd of April, £3.30)
*be the slave for the third-year student, for her major-project
*write a reflective report about being a slave
*research on interaction
*work with the interaction of my fuel-cell
*research on usability
*work with the usability of my fuel-cell
*send my parcel to Veronica, I'm so sorry babe, I did not forget you....
*print out the kitchen drawings (done 23 of April)
*look for concert-tickets for the 7th of July
*think of a gift to my mum
*dress up as a pirate....(DONE 22nd of April....AAAARRRRRRR)
*drink some alcohol
*make the ground-source heat pump in I-Deas
*get I-Deas to work....
*convince the Uni that I-Deas is SHITE
*write a good CV
*join the learnhowtowriteacv thingy
*stop reading blogs all the time
*stop spending so much time on facebook!
*check my bank account....:S
*burn out all the things from the first year from uni, and delete it at my uni space
*give my landlord the name of one of my new room mate
*find another room mate
Well, I see you after I've finished this SHORT list... I'll try to update it as I go
jiiiiiZZ, im not gonna bother you... hehe ;) and sorry for sending you mail yesterday, just continiue working :D hehe
did you send me mail???....
oh, ooops, yes you did....
oh, it was a long list what you must do, but I like that yo are looking for possible concert at 7th July :o)
hug and SMASK
Hehehe, but there are nothing on the 7th though... Just to let you know
når d gjelder ditt punkt nr 18 på din "to do list" så e ønske en koselig tid sammens i Oslo, me mine trivelige døttre og mann ;o)
hehehe, jauda.....bli no sikkert det da:P Men, må no likavel finne nokke da, eller hur?
snille barn, som æ HAR, e å mitt videre ønske, :o)
ellers e æ jo blitt så mange år at æ he alt.......matrielle ting ;-)
hahaha, oki....skal tru på dej ej....
hehehe, søt samtale assa... aldri lett å vite ka en ska gi forreldre:) eg printa ut dissertation min og bandt den sammen... i gave *ler* hehehehehehe
d va lur plan, gjær d du me Janke, allså slik som Øyvind gjor :o)
mæn æ lurte litt på ka æ får da,:) veit ikje helt ka dissertation e ;(, øyboar som æ e,:o) dåkker bor på ei større øy, me mange rare og vanskelige ord :o) håpe dåkker kan hjelpe mæ
Hejhej,ska forklare eg:) Dissertation er som en hovedoppgave i research, noe hun har jobba hardt med å kunne fullføre, som en faktatekst:) E du heldig skrev hun om noe interesant :D hehe, men det tror eg no... hu e flink!
heldigvis for dokke so e ej faktisk berre andre klassing da, og dissertation min skriv eg ikkje før neste år:P
Kanskje ej skal gi dej essayen min?
eller en go portefolio? Øyvind, lyst å hjelpe mej å lage potfolio?
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