My first

my last, my everything?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I won

I like the feeling of winning... especially if the other person give up:) But I couldn't be SMUG for too long, coz i am back with my computer, trying to write 3000 words about a toothpaste dispenser... Luuuucky meeee
I have just had a cup of coffee, but might go to bed see if I can sleep. Coz tomorrow will be a looooong loooong day. I have to finish my report, which will take a while... I have to finish my models/prototypes..... I have to take pictures of all of this... I have to create a presentation...... I have got 31 hours left....

It is possible, but I am not sure if it is possible if i sleep... Oh i have to go and do some work-out tomorrow as well, so there is 90 minutes gone....

ah, I have to sleep...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Norwegian words and phrases

Anyone ever thought of all the strange words that we use in a language, and how they sort of fits together with another language or sometimes not at all...

Bittelitt - little bit I laughed for 20 minutes today because of that word.... I really like that word

okey, that was the only word I could come up with right now, but that we change, coz I know I have thought about several words. Give me a day


Homemade pizza

with ALOT of meat....omg, it was actually quite good:) i'm proud of us, we did a good job, right? Yesh, we did;)

Anyway, I'm trying to write 3000 words about a toothpaste dispenser, and I am sort of struggeling now, that's why I'm here.... Writing. Spending all my words here. But, I'll manage, I'm just so tired, and the pizza didn't help, I just want to sleep:)

But I stay up a while longer, just to get some words down...

My bed looks so good now.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I'm making pancakes for breakfast today, with bacon! Just to be nice actually, coz I'm bringing them to the Library... well, it is not nice to bring food there, we are not allowed. And the women who works there are going to come over and say with a angry voice; 'it is not allowed to eat food in the Library, and you can only have bottled drinks...' And then they look at you until you cover up your food, they know as well as I know that the food is still there... But I don't think they care, as long as they are not tempted. I think they would like to taste some pancakes, but I won't give them any... Because last time I was there, they wouldn't even let me eat grapes, and grapes are not classed as FOOD... Not in my head, it is more like healthy cocolate, and we are allowed to eat cocolate there....
But, anyway... I'm going to make some pancakes, and I'm bringings them to the library, and we are going to eat them while we are hiding from the angry ladies... Oh I'm so looking forward to this:D


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


They can be difficult to give, without sounding fake...
And it is just as difficult to recieve them, without trying to debate them, or saying that the person paying you the compliment is wrong. Everyone should try and remember when they get a compliment, write it down, and whenever you feel sad just think of the best compliment you've ever been given....
I got a wonderful compliment once, out of the blue.... I was with a friend, we were just talking about normal things like freinds normally do. And out of the blue he said, 'I like your sides, they are beautiful', nothing more, and we continued talking about normal things... I didn't say anything, but I thought about it. And I have decided that that must be one of the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Every time I feel too stressed with uniwork, or unmotivated I think of that. It makes me smile:)
So compliments are difficult things, but we should try to set a goal that each day we should say something nice about our friends, to our friends... That's a nice goal, but you have to say it to their face, coz that is more sincere.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


of course I do.... After reading a comment on one of my previous post, I had to write some more... Just to show that I dare:P

I could write about alot now... hehehe, all the things that comes to my mind. Oh dear.... Well, lets not.

when a girl gets grumpy for no reason whatsoever and starts going mad for clearly no reason, why not ask whether she needs a chocolate?? Just a suggestion;)


Saturday, March 17, 2007

i surrender...

Jannicke Rogne's Facebook profile

After x amounts of invites, I had to join.......

I have a dream...

I have a dream, I want to make my own studio, my own design studio.... And I have found my location. Or I have found two places I want to make it actually. Depending on if I can buy my house or not... That picture shows my house, or it was my great-grandma's house... I remember when I was young I used to sit on that stone thing(don't actually know the english word) just enjoying the seasons. I really want to buy that house, I want to live there.
And that barn comes with the house. As there is people renting the house at the time, I would really like to start and make the barn into a studio... The loft of it. It would be briliant, and if my Farfar would let me, I'll start this easter. So if anyone has suggestion or ideas when it comes to making your own design studio, I'd love to hear about it! At time being, it is a bit of a mess in there, but I'll tidy it up:)
And if people want to help me, let me know... I'll buy the alcohol and the food, and it could be a great social evening:)


Friday, March 16, 2007


Computer Aided design.... Indeed.... I have handed in some work today. And you know, on the last day before hand in... everyone is stressed out because of it, the computers crash every hour, and the printers doesn't work, or is short staffed... This is just how it is, and it never changes... And that is the reason why I wrote the previous post about not leaving things to the last minute...or I think I wrote about it, if I didn't leave it...
I need some DRINK tonight!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm lucky

I have a friend who comes over with a burger at 2 o'clock in the morning if I get hungry..... Who keeps me company if I'm bored.....Who knows what sort of coffee I want before I say it.... And who makes me smile by just being there



Monday, March 12, 2007


I don't want to be a grown-up, not anymore.... there are too many difficult things that I have to think about, and to figure out. And why don't people warn you about that??


Sunday, March 11, 2007

giving up hope...

Oki, I agree, what keeps a person going is the hope.... and perhaps some other things as well, but what would we be without the hope? However, isn't it better without hope than with false hope? Coz who would really like to fool themself? Isn't it better to realize that there is no hope, and just forget about it? Or are we created to never give up? If there is a tiny, insignificant posibility that it MIGHT happen, do we still keep hoping? Or are we just fooling ourself?


good girl

I've been a good girl today, coz i got up, had a coffee turned on the radio (norwegian radio) and then started working. I really did. I had decided that I would spend about 5 hours on SolidWorks today, and I almost did. But I got somewhat stuck, so I sat down and drawed instead... So practically I have been working for 14 hours today. I'm proud. And abit lonely as well, coz I haven't talked to anyone today. (except in the library for 5 mins, and then I went straight back home to work) I was really determind to do work today, and I even think I can do this now, do it properly! It feels good. And I love it! Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes a bit longer.

And by the way, humans never give up hope.....that's what makes them human......

And just a question, why is it that I think much more when I'm in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil? I put so much more in to things there..... Maybe it's a kitchen mystery?

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Saturdays are nice.... same as Wednesdays and Fridays and Sundays..... I love being a student


I hope everyone are having a great weekend, take care and relax.

klem fra Jannicke

Friday, March 09, 2007

'Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today.' - Benjamin Franklin

Not a stupid thing to say, actually a very obvious thing to say, or to live by... But still, I can't do it. I just can't finish of things unless it is last moment work, or at least it feels like that. I am trying to write my report along side my project, so I don't leave it to the very end.... I have to hand-in a 3000 word report:S Hoooooaaargg... But i think i'm on top of it, or at least for the moment.

However, i have so much MOOOOORE to do... Anyone good at bikes? Motorbikes?
I need Heeeeeeeeeeeelp


Monday, March 05, 2007


Have you ever had the feeling of being tired? I mean proper tired, like only students can get? And when you're that tired, knowing that you can't sleep before you've finished the thing you're doing, which you should have done the day before, but then you had another thing you had to do.... The only way to keep awake is to drink RedBull, lots of redbull.... the feeling of not being able to sleep even if you could have the presentation ready a couple of hours earlier than expected.
That's me, that's now... I feel like I'm doing the same thing before every presentation, and it is not because I'm leaving everything to the last minute, coz I do work continiusly (if that's even a word). I think back to the time when I was working, not being a student... When you finished at work, you could rest... I don't miss it, I love this. Love the fact that I have to sit up, night after night... Trying to improve my presentations (and yes, I have ALOT of them). I even want to do this when i grow up.... That's a good sign. I made myself smile... woohooo

Back to work then:D


How is life in Boro

I thought I might try to put up some pictures... since it has been a while, and since there probably isn't anyone reading this anyway:)
This is some of the guys in my engineering class, which I sort of don't belong to, but they let me anyway. Thee hee

Ok... more picture later today, coz I have a presentation to do now  :S

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I'm a NIMBY and I'm proud of it

However, I am really looking forward to tuesday afternoon!


Saturday, March 03, 2007


Okey, this post is for you, and so is the dinner I'm making on saturday;)

Hope you'll have an awesome day, or I know you will. Take care

Gratulere so masse me dagen da iallefall

wooohoooo....gamle beibsen
